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Necrontyr Pyramid available NOW!!

2018-05-14 by David

Wow - this one took a while! One again, we'd like to say a big THANK YOU to everybody who has been patiently waiting for this beast to become available! Today, the second of our Necron-themed terrain pieces goes on sale. Go on, go and download it NOW!!


  Necrontyr Pyramid 


Here are some of the finished model pics we took this morning!

£ All 3 levels of the pyramid, in their dark glory!

Yes, we know we probaby went overboard on the drybrushing here - the finish looks a bit brighter and rougher in this picture than it does in person, but you get the general idea.... it's HUUUUGE!!!

£ The cut-out version of the door lets you add internal LEDs, to get that awesome glow from inside.

£ A medium-sized 2-level pyramid. Still quite huge!

£ The single-level pyramid, just to show some scale.

£ Ned the Necron loves his new home, and laughs at the puny flesh creatures from the safety of his green glowing doorway!


Yes, more LEDs in use here!

£ I thought it would be interesting to see what the engraved symbols would look like if they were painted in green glow. And no, none of these pics are photoshopped - that green really is that shockingly bright!



£ If you look carefully, you might spot that this photo is in fact only HALF a pyramid! If you print out a couple of extra half sections (included in the set), you can split your pyramid into 2 half pyramids, and add them along your table edges.


Tags: necrontyr  release 


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