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Designing the samurai fishing village We have some new designs to look at today, for an upcoming fishing village set for the samurai collection.▲ This new design is a fishing village set of terrain from old Japan. This set contains vario ...

Designing the samurai lighthouse Yesterday was my birthday, so I decided to make something new, to celebrate! So we have a new model for the samurai collection to take a look at today - the Samurai Lighthouse!   ▲ This is a ...

Designing the samurai shops Here's a new set of modular terrain for the samurai collection... SHOPS!!!   Have you ever wanted to fight a battle amongst the busy streets of a samurai town, dashing around and inside a v ...

Designing the samurai ruined hut It's time to announce the next design on the release schedule - a ruined hut for the samurai terrain range!   This is a design I've been looking forward to adding to the collection, eve ...

Designing the shrine set Whoa! This new shrine set is turning out to be a biggie!! There's so much stuffed into the set that it could pretty easily cover an entire smaller gaming table, so let's take a look....   ...

Designing the samurai dojo Here's a quick first look at our latest terrain kit for the samurai collection.... the Samurai Dojo!▲ This is a multipart kit for a large dojo building, used for training martial artists in a var ...

Designing the market yatai set It's been a while since the last new designs, but today we have a little preview to show off for our samurai range - a set of market stalls, known as yatai in Japanese. ▲ Yatai stalls are tempor ...

Your ideas for shops & stalls? It's time to move on to the next terrain project, and I think perhaps a set of modular shops and market stalls might be rather fun!So, what are YOUR ideas for some thematic shops for a samurai tow ...

Designing the temple bell The third of this month's new samurai terrain pieces is ready to test-print, so we should have some nice assembled photos to show you in a few days.   In the meantime, let's take a look ...

Designing the sumo ring My goodness!! We have ANOTHER new samurai design to show off today - the Sumo Ring! This building would have been the pride of any feudal-era Japanese town or village. The stone base has steps on bot ...

Designing the samurai dicetower We have a new preview to show you today - the Dicetower Pagoda for our samurai range!   £ As you can see, this model is an alternate version of the large 5-level Temple Pagoda tower. The wall ...

Designing some rooftile panels This is a little set of roof panels that were already on the to-do list, but since people had expressed an interest in one of the Facebook groups for feudal Japanese wargames, they got quickly moved u ...

Designing the Temple Pagoda When you think of Japanese architecture, there are basically 2 big ones, right? The massive samurai castle, and the tall and elegant pagoda!   Well, we are very pleased to show off completed re ...

Pagoda research trip The next building for the samurai temple collection will be a classic pagoda, and I was lucky to find one of Japan's top pagodas located only a 90 minute drive away, in Yamaguchi prefecture.£ Th ...

Designing the samurai temple outer gate The modular Samurai Temple Walls set has been available for a couple of months now, and since then we've brought out a few smaller pieces.... the Ruined Castle Wall, the Ruined Stone Wall, an upda ...

Designing the samurai temple walls After our little detour into sci-fi terrain, it's time to get back to some more feudal Japanese terrain! Today we have some new designs to show off - a set of modular temple walls!   This e ...

Designing the Taui Gun Tower The new Fusion Reactor print is being painted up as we speak, so while you're waiting.... here's a new Gun Tower for the Taui collection! £ Yes, that's right - it's another pretty da ...

Designing the new Taui Fusion Reactor We have a new design for our Taui sci-fi range to show to you today - the rather large Fusion Reactor!   In keeping with the existing style of the Landing Pad and Teleporter, this design has si ...

The castle 3d model is now complete! After many, many thousands of individually placed rooftiles, and many, many hours of cursing ancient builders, the final version of the HUGE 5-level samurai castle is now complete.   So here we ...

Designing the Samurai Teahouse The new samurai-themed set has been a little delayed by printer problems and the recent virus-related scarcity of replacement parts, but at long last we have finished concept images to show you..... ...

Designing the Taui Teleporter It's time to stock up on blue LEDs! Yes.... that's right, we have another hi-tech Taui design coming for you soon!    Designed in the same vein as the recent Taui Landing Pad, this ...

Designing the samurai watchtower One design that people have been asking for recently is a stand-alone watchtower structure, so this wooden seiro structure from Sakusai Castle in Ibaraki Prefecture was chosen as the inspiration for t ...

Designing the Taui Landing Pad The new Taui terrain collection is our latest sci-fi range of 3D-printable models, and here's the first look at the very first design.....   Presenting the Taui Landing Pad!!!£ You'll ...

Designing the castle gatetower We're slowly building up to the big samurai castle, but before that there is one major feature of a castle layout that still remains... the main gatetower!   £ Here's an early CG rend ...

Designing the corner tower The peasants have been called back and set to work, as construction begins on the samurai castle corner tower!     £ Designed to fit neatly with the existing castle walls set, this co ...

Designing the samurai pond This design has been a whole lot of fun to create, and fit in as many cool little details as possible! The goal was to create a 12.5cm diameter ornamental pond, which could be resized up to double the ...

Designing the Necrontyr Defence Walls People keep asking for a Necrontyr equivalent to the imperium's Aegis Defence Line, so we're currently printing this little set of walls and accompanying gun turret. The walls are considerabl ...

Designing the modular farmhouses It's been a light month for work-in-progress pics on the blog so far, and that's because the new samurai farmhouses have taken quite a bit of careful planning!   To ensure this set is s ...

Designing the farmyard set PART 2 Phew! There was a LOT to fit in this farmyard set, so I'm afraid it's taken a while to get everything finished up, but all the models are now complete, and printing up as we speak!   In ...

Designing the KillTeam Arena scatter terrain Fans of the Necrontyr range have been asking for some smaller scatter terrain recently, to populate their Necron tables and give their immortal warriors something to... er.... hide behind. You know, j ...

Designing the canals Right in the middle of designing the samurai farm set and pond set (and some necrontyr stuff!), I've taken a quick detour into this small set of canal sections too! Oops!!   My excuse is th ...

Designing the farm set PART 1 While work on the BIG Japanese castle is ongoing, I've started some other side projects - the first of which is a farmyard set, to accompany a modular farmhouse building set.   These are th ...

Designing a dice tray Thanks to a great suggestion by Dan Sorber recently, I've reworked the dais of the Warp Portal into a Necron-themed dice tray for your wargaming pleasure!   What's more, I thought it mi ...

Designing the bridges - part 2 It's been raining all weekend here, so I spent the time finishing up the bridges for the new Samurai Bridges set. The last blog article showed off the CG renders of the peasant's plank bridge ...

Designing the bridges - part 1 A set of bridges for our Samurai range is underway at the moment, and will contain 4 different bridge types for any type of feudal-era Japanese setting... and in fact they would also work up to presen ...

Samurai LED lanterns As I was sitting down to play an exciting game of Test of Honour this week, with a group of ninja assassins about to ambush a shipment of gold, I realised that perhaps I could do a little better than ...

Designing the wooden walls While the replacement parts for the printer wing their sloooooow way across the ocean, I've been hard at work on the Samurai Wooden Walls set. This is a smaller walls set than the previous Stone W ...

Samurai Zen Garden Bases printed Our newest set for our samurai range has just come off the printer - Zen Garden Bases!   So if you want to have your samurai warriors stomping through the tranquility of a peaceful Japanese roc ...

Zen Garden Bases To go along with our newly-released Zen Garden set, we're also creating a set of zen garden-themed bases for all your wargaming needs!There will be 10 designs for 25mm bases, available in both rou ...

Designing the zen garden The next terrain piece for our growing samurai range is currently being finished up, and some smaller test prints have been very successful!   The samurai-inspired zen rock garden will mostly b ...

Samurai Measuring Sword printed Not exactly wargaming terrain, this one... but definitely something to make your tabletop look awesome!!   The newest design for our samurai range is this Samurai Measuring Sword, which is a 9 ...

Designing the samurai clan symbols Just a quick pic to show you today - 12 clan symbols from samurai times!   These are some small 30mm diameter discs which will be used as personalised touches for numerous samurai-themed design ...

Samurai Walls! Here's some news for you... the next range of 3d printable terrain will be historical - SAMURAI!!!   At our gaming club we've recently been getting into the Japanese samurai-era skirmis ...

City Walls Set Complete! The new 3D printer is due to be delivered early next week, which is super exciting! It's also very good timing, as today we finished off the last of the Necrontyr designs for the time being. &nbs ...

Necrontyr Walkways & Bridge Set Complete! With the new 3D printer being processed and prepared for shipping as we speak, I'm starting to think about which items should go to the front of the print queue. So many to choose from, so where t ...

Necrontyr Landing Pad Complete! The landing pad for our Necrontyr range is complete, and soon to be test printed! It's approximately 360mm wide, but only 40mm high - just enough to add LED tealights to the underside, in case yo ...

Necrontyr Pyramid complete! We've been dropping previews all week on our Facebook page of the various parts that make up this modular Necron-themed pyramid, and today it's time to reveal the whole thing!   * A qui ...

Necrontyr range ruler complete! Just a quick tool for this week's new 3D print model.... a 6" movement ruler for your wargaming needs!   The ruler features 1 inch, 2 inch and 6 inch markers along the sides, so you can qui ...

Necrontyr Obelisk set complete! This set of Necron-themed obelisks just grew and GREW! The final set includes 11 separate pieces, in 3 different sizes each - to fit the lower, middle and upper levels of each monument.Here's a fe ...

Second power generator complete The second power generator for the Necrontyr Power Generator set is finished, and will be printable in just two parts. As always, LED lights can be fitted inside for a spooky glow, and this generator ...

First power generator complete The Necrontyr Power Generator set is going to be a set of 3 Necron-inspired models, which can be used separately or together, to create interesting terrain or objectives in your games.   First ...

Necrontyr Warpgate complete! Yippee! We got our first blog comment yesterday and it made me so happy I just couldn't keep this new design to myself any longer - so here's the latest pics of the Necrontyr Warpgate model, w ...

Teaser pics Look what we have for you today - teaser pics of the next Necrontyr project!The design is pretty much finished... the only thing that remains to be done is to cut the design up into small chunks for 3 ...

Command Point Tokens complete Oh dear! The new printer delivery has been delayed once again (!), so to cheer myself up I've been working away on the next two Necrontyr projects....   This is the first - some simple smal ...

Necrontyr Modular Hill complete! A big, BIG set for the Necrontyr range has been completed...... a modular hill set!   Everything has been designed in 120x120mm chunks, so you can just keep printing and cover an entire table! ...

Necrontyr Objectives complete! We've got a full range of Necron-themed 3D printable terrain planned for release over the coming months, and here is the first of them.....Necrontyr Objectives Set   A set of objective mark ...

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