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Painting the market stalls

2022-03-25 by David

It's time for a painting guide - this time it's for the new samurai market stalls set!


This is quite a long blog post, but it should contain lots of tips and real-life photos to make your stalls as realistic as possible! Ready? Here we go......

▲ I started by spray undercoating all the pieces in a light brown, and many of the accessories were still separate from their stalls. The roofs made from rushes were painted a red-brown, and then the bamboo pieces were painted in a light sand colour.

▲ Here's the process for one of the wooden stalls. The undercoat is the light brown spray.....

▲ .... and then a heavy black wash to fill in the wood grain patterns and shadows.

▲ Once the wash has completely dried, it's carefully drybrushed back to light brown....

▲ ... and then a final light drybrush on the edges, with a flesh colour. You can see this on the edges of the boxes in the photo above.


The rushes on the roof and front sections are similarly given a heavy black wash, and then lightly drybrushed with the same flesh colour.


The bamboo sections were washed with black, and then roughly highlighted with a sand colour again.

▲ Here's a quick tip on the wooden side pieces with the window frames - you can add some baking paper (kitchen paper/sheet) on the sides, to make great Japanese screens. You can put the paper on the inside if you like, or you can glue them to the outside and decorate them as extra signage, like in the photo above.



Time for some accessories....

▲ Let's start on the first of the accessory sets - DANGO! The dango are mochi (pounded rice) on sticks, which get toasted by the coals, and then covered by that sticky brown sauce, before being eaten hot. Yum!


The lady in the photo is actually my neighbour, who runs a traditional stall in a tourist town nearby. You can see the straw ring around the fire, with a heat-blocking porcelain ring inside that, and then finally the hot coals in the middle.


▲ Here's my miniature version, with the same straw ring and hot coals in the middle.

▲ Next up is the GRILLED EEL stall. This photo shows what they actually look like - sections of eel fillets grilled on bamboo skewers.

▲ After painting the coals separately, I glued the grill on top, and roughly painted white and yellow stripes on the eel pieces.

▲ Then I slapped on a heavy orange wash, which looked about right to me. A gloss varnish on top should look good, too!

▲ Eel shops sometimes have these awesome signs outside, where the "u" in "unagi" (eel) is shaped like an eel, and I wanted to add that little detail on my stall, too.....

▲ ... so I glued a small lantern on one side of the stall, and carefully painted on the eel-shaped sign in black. It was pretty hard to keep my hands steady enough at that size, but I'm happy it worked!!

▲ Here's a colourful photo, showing some traditional Japanese kites. The two kite designs included in the TOY STALL set (which will even print fine on a slow FDM printer!) are the large cicada kite in the middle, and the little fan-shaped kite on the left.

▲ I carefully blocked in the colours on the kites, before adding some black wash along the lines between the colours. Those lines are inset into the design, so your washes should flow neatly where they are supposed to go.

▲ Here are the finished kites after highlights have been added to the coloured sections. Note the absolutely tiny mouse motif on the smaller kites! Yes, you can bet that my hand was shaking for those!

▲ The toy stall also comes with two trays - kendama and spinning tops. I tried to make these bright and cheerful with simple stripes of primary colours.

▲ The ODEN (hotpot) stall has a central tray with four sections, and the photo above shows what you typically find inside it. Daikon radish slices, miscellaneous chunks of meat, blocks and slices of tofu etc, all submerged in a rich broth.

▲ After painting my tray's contents, I poured in some UV-activated resin to act as the broth. I found this small tube of resin in the craft jewellery section of my local 100-yen shop (dollar store).

▲ Instead of a large curtain sign, I decided to add two lanterns to my oden stall. This photo shows what they normally look like (sometimes the letters are in white, too), but you could also paint them lit up, for a night scene.

▲ Oh boy - this was hard! After painting the lanterns bright red, with a brighter orange near the middle, I painted "oden" in thick black letters on the side. Then I very carefully painted tiny dots around the edge of each letter in white. I found it gave me a more regular width line, by using dots instead of a painted line, but I had to do it twice around each letter. I was a nervous wreck after finishing these!

▲ The last few stalls are much simpler. Here's the SWEET POTATO stall. The key to getting those sweet potatoes looking right is to add a dot of cream or beige to both ends of the potatoes. The ends are cut off before being put in the steam oven.

▲ The VEGETABLE STALL has common fruit and veg - onions and spring onions (left), potatoes and carrots (right), and then apples and two types of orange at the top.

▲ I used larger items on the stall itself - cabbages and watermelon slices.

▲ The FISH STALL has various types and sizes of seafood, which I basecoated in silver and then decorated with colour washes. The white ones are squid.

▲ Lastly, the MANJU stall has various sizes of rice cakes. These are usually made in light pastel colours, so I used creamy whites, light green and light pink.


And that's it! We're done. The new market stalls will be available in a few days, so watch this space...


Tags: samurai  painting 


Brandon Brandon
2022-03-28 (Mon) 8:43AM

This set looks great!!!!

David (3DAlienWorlds)
2022-03-28 (Mon) 9:59AM

Thanks, Brandon! A lot of love went into these!

2022-08-01 (Mon) 14:32PM

I hope you gave your Neighbour a mini Dango stall !
I'm painting these up now and will share some pics when done.

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