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Some inspirational customer castle pics

2021-03-26 by David

Some truly epic photos to show you today, from Thomas (Lascaris on various forums) who has just finished his massive Japanese display board. He used 11kg of filament and over a thousand hours of print time to produce this huge castle layout, which he then shipped off to his brother to have painted! His poor brother....... 😂

£ Just. WOW.


£ He's obviously put a lot of thought into the layout of those castle grounds, with 3 corner towers, a castle gatetower and a large central garden on a lower level.

£ Great colour scheme for the castle too, with a striking red chosen for the timber beams.


Absolutely awesome work, Thomas!

Tags: samurai 

1 Comment :

2021-03-28 (Sun) 22:49PM

I love the thought out into the layout, Thomas! Great job!

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