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<< Necrontyr Tombcity Walls available NOW!!
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Samurai Walls!

2018-08-14 by David

Here's some news for you... the next range of 3d printable terrain will be historical - SAMURAI!!!


At our gaming club we've recently been getting into the Japanese samurai-era skirmish game Test of Honour, by Warlord Games. There's honestly not a lot of terrain available for the period, so I've decided to try making some of my own. I've jotted down every possible item of terrain I could think of, and came up with 89 items!! Yikes!


So when the last two Necrontyr designs are done and finished (very soon), there'll be a quick switch to finish the High Elf House and a mystery 40K vehicle, and then on to the samurai terrain.


(.... er.... and also a full range of either Tau-themed or Eldar-themed terrain..... ahem...)

£ First work-in-progress 3d model, just getting the proportions right.



£ Those roof tiles were a bit of a pain to work out, but happily all I had to do to check for reference was to look out at the neighbour's roof! I'm in Japan, by the way. Should have said, eh?




£ These will be cunning split level walls, with the upper level separate from a lower rocky base. That will give people plenty of modularity.

£ Work starts on the gateway section...

£ ... and here's the first door design. I'm hoping to actually get this sliding as a real door would slide!


£ More bloody roof tiles, over the gateway this time!


Next job will be to add convincing rock textures to the lower walls.




Tags: samurai  design 


2018-08-16 (Thu) 2:49AM

Pretty please do some Eldar terrain, plenty of Tau on thingiverse :D

2018-08-16 (Thu) 9:34AM

Thanks for the comment, Gareth! Was just about to ask everybody what they wanted next....

Andrew Collyer
2018-09-06 (Thu) 1:03AM

Loving the list of stuff you plan for the samurai era. Keep up the good work

2018-09-06 (Thu) 10:56AM

Thanks, Andrew, for the comment! Yes, our very long list of samurai-themed terrain should keep us busy for quite a while!

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Samurai walls printed >>
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