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Samurai Dice Tower Pagoda available NOW!

2021-10-28 by David

The second of this month's new models is released today - the new Samurai Dice Tower Pagoda is now available for download!


  Samurai Dicetower Pagoda  


▲ YES, it's bright red! YES, it's super fancy! YES, you can use it as battlefield terrain, too!


This model is a 3-storied pagoda from old Japan, designed for use as an in-game dicetower and terrain piece.

▲ This building measures 210mm (8½") wide at the 1st level roof, and 430mm (17") tall from base to spire tip. It can also be used as a dice tower without the wood and stone base, at a height of 390mm. This model can be printed completely support-free!

▲ Removing the top centre section of the pagoda roof reveals a dice bucket, and dice will pour down the pagoda and roll out of the front entrance, down the wooden steps into the specially-designed bamboo fence area.



▲ If you have a super bouncy tabletop surface, you can print an extra bamboo stick or two to place across the gateway, to prevent dice from rolling too far.


▲ It also makes a great piece of playable wargaming terrain, and models can be placed inside the fence area, or on the steps and surrounding balcony.


Here's a short video of the dicetower in action, with closeups of some of the authentic building details...


▲ The new Samurai Dice Tower Pagoda is available for download from today!


  Samurai Dicetower Pagoda  

Tags: samurai  release 


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