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City Walls Set Complete!

2018-04-06 by David

The new 3D printer is due to be delivered early next week, which is super exciting! It's also very good timing, as today we finished off the last of the Necrontyr designs for the time being.


So today we present the Necrontyr Tombcity Walls Set....

It's a little hard to tell from these rendered images, but those walls are actually quite HUGE!! The city walls will tower above most enemy models, at approximately 105mm high, and will make a massive obstacle to overcome, if you choose to lay walls right across the table.

£ Here we can see the main pieces of the set (straights, step sections, corners and gatetowers) combined together. The gateway is large enough to admit tanks, at approximately 110mm wide.

£ The gateway building stands over 280mm tall, with two imposing obelisk towers flanking the gate. The heavy gates are of course movable during play. The raised pathway above the gate connects to steps leading down into the obelisks, to drop the pathway to the height of the other wall sections.

£ Each wall section features fine engravings along the top pathway, and also the Necrontyr symbol on each front and back face.

£ This is a view from a regular straight wall section, to the steps leading up into the gatetower.

£ Straight sections (and all other wall sections) can be connected using the plastic clips included in the files, or you can mount small rare earth magnets in the holes to allow even quicker arrangement. Each piece is designed to use only the minimum amount of 3D printer filament.

£ Corner sections are designed to be reversible, allowing you to fit them both ways on your layouts.

£ Step sections are a modified version of the straight sections, and are designed to fit the 75mm steps from the Walkways and Bridges Set. Those 75mm steps are included with this set too, for your convenience, although the modular nature of these walls also allow you to fit the other raised walkway sections, too. Handy, yes?


£ The steps can be detached for easy storage, and you can also choose to mount magnets to help secure steps during play.


We have a few other items on our list for the Necrontyr range, but for now we're happy to have created enough terrain to fill out even the largest of tables! So we'll eagerly await the arrival of our new 3D printer next week, and we should have some tests prints for you very, very soon!


Tags: necrontyr  design 


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