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Designing the KillTeam Arena scatter terrain

2019-03-19 by David

Fans of the Necrontyr range have been asking for some smaller scatter terrain recently, to populate their Necron tables and give their immortal warriors something to... er.... hide behind. You know, just in case they're not quite as immortal as you thought?!


So we're starting off with this set of Necron-themed scatter terrain, modelled to exactly match the contents of the KillTeam: Arena set by GW.


This is the final version render of the 6 items, which match the barrels and crates from the KillTeam set within approximately 1mm.


The 6 items are:


  • Doorway (double-sided)
  • Regeneration Sarcophagus (which can be modelled open or closed)
  • Plasma crate (for exploding fun!)
  • Energy stack (ditto!)
  • Long casket (for your Overlord's tie collection)
  • Short casket (good for picnics)
The final prints are rolling off the printer as we speak, so watch this space for release news very, very soon!

Tags: necrontyr  design 


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Printing the Necrontyr KillTeam Arena set >>
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